
Future Events:
2024 International Yoga Day

Yearly Events

21st February - The day Guru Gunaaneethi attained Siddha Samadhi state / Maharishi state
1st May -  The day of Guruji's initiation from Param Guru Maha Maharishi
2nd October - The day Param Guru Maha Maharishi set his footprints at Pesalai, Sri Lanka
8th December - The day Maha Maharishi attained Ultra-luminosity
12th December - The day Param Guru dissolved himself into the Atoms

Gallery of Past Events 

December 2020 Festival of Mahayogam
December 2019 Festival of Mahayogam 
February 21st 2019 
Siddha Samadhi state of Guruji
February 27th 2019 - First Zenskar Class Start in Brisbane
December 8th 2018 - First Public Mahayogam Festival in Brisbane

Regular Class Schedule

Weekly regular Yozen and Yoga class schedule

Please email or fill in the contact form for more details of any of the events.